School Notification System to Send Alerts to Parents and Students

DialMyCalls offers a mass notification system for schools that bridges the communication gap between teachers, students, and parents. Now you can easily send your alerts via phone call, text message (SMS), and/or email to everyone, in seconds!
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School Reminder Software

Our Automated Calling System for Schools is Used All Over The US & Canada

Below are just a few of the thousands of educational institutions that use our system.

Using DialMyCalls, you can quickly notify your students, parents, or faculty within a matter of minutes. Now you can easily send phone calls, text messages, and/or emails with the click of a mouse. DialMyCalls is entirely web-based meaning that there is no expensive hardware or equipment to purchase. There are also no contracts or outrageous pricing plans; we strive to keep our system easy to use.

Because our system has the ability to send thousands of calls or text messages per minute, your notifications will reach all of your intended recipients quickly.

Types of School Notifications Sent By DialMyCalls Customers:

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Easily Organize Your Contacts

With the contact grouping system you can separate students, faculty, and parents into separate call groups. You can even break them down by grade, classroom, or any number of other ways. This way when you want to send out a notification you can send it to one group, multiple groups, or all of the groups at one time.

Ease Of Use

We have one of the easiest to use web-based notification systems around. Because of this we have schools of all sizes who use DialMyCalls. Whether you’re a small day care center or a school board in a large metropolitan area, our system has the capacity to handle anything you throw our way.


Education Discount

All schools receive 10% off on our package prices. Simply call our customer support team at 1-800-928-2086 and someone on our staff can help get the discount on your account.

Why Use DialMyCalls As Your School Notification System?

School Notification System

What is a Mass Notification System for Schools?

A school notification system is an indispensable tool for schools of all levels. Such systems allow school faculty or administrators to communicate with all parents, students, and/or staff simultaneously. It can be used as a parent alert system or to simply notify students and parent of important school events.

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Over 40,000++ Organizations Rely On Us to Deliver Millions Of Voice & SMS Messages!

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  • The University Of New Mexico

These apps allow messages to go out to a sender’s entire contact list within seconds. An SMS service for schools is superior to a traditional phone tree, as there are no opportunities for the message to get distorted and everyone gets the message from the same authoritative voice. For schools, this kind of quick and clear communication can be vital to an informed and engaged student body and support system. Bulk SMS software for schools benefits everyone involved.

One of the most useful parts of a mass notification system for schools is that messages can be sent directly to your audience’s phones. Communicating directly with your audience in the way that best suits their needs — whether via text message, phone call, or email⁠—is the best way to avoid miscommunications.

Overall, a school notification app is a tool, and a means to an end.

The end goal isn’t that parents, students, faculty, and staff are receiving texts or phone calls or emails. The end goal is that your school community is safe, happy, informed, and learning.

Using a school notification app can make sure that that’s happening without adding to the sometimes overwhelming existing workload of administrators and teachers. Sending out mass messages saves time, effort, and worry.

The same service that can send out messages can also receive and compile them, allowing for a two-way communication stream that keeps administrators aware of the needs and concerns of the students and faculty they serve. A school messaging system app is just as beneficial for administrators and teachers as it is for students and parents.

Can be used to keep students safe during an emergency

A mass notification system for schools can be used to keep students safe during an emergency, inform parents of a closed road before pickup time, remind teachers of a casual Friday, or even notify football players of a change in the practice schedule.

School Notification System - DialMyCalls

Mass Text Messaging for Schools

SMS text messaging for schools is the most recent in a long line of school communication methods. But a mass texting service for schools isn’t likely to be a passing fad; such systems can be instrumental in a school’s communication plan.

There are three primary benefits of using a school text service for mass school communication. These include:


Most of the US population not only has a cell phone, but is comfortable using one to send and receive text messages. Both adults and kids alike have no problem reading, saving, and even responding to this type of communication.


Text messages don’t have to be read immediately to be effective. They don’t require the recipient to be in a quiet place to answer, and they can take many different forms and include several different types of media. SMS software for schools can be useful in a wide range of situations, from sending out summer reading lists to notifying parents of a school shooter.


SMS messages allow for only a limited number of characters. While some may see this as limiting what they can communicate, others see it as an opportunity to pare down words until only the most important information is left. This makes key points easy to grasp for recipients getting their information from a school messaging system.

Recipients can also save, forward, or otherwise share text messages with others.

If you want news to spread fast, SMS messages can be just the way to ensure that it does.

But while text messages certainly have their place in a school notification app, they aren’t the only way to convey information.

Different people learn best in different ways, and sending information in a variety of formats ensures that these different learning styles are utilized to help these messages be retained and understood.

Voice broadcasts and emails are often the better choice for a school notification system, though other times the different types of messages can be used together for optimum engagement.

There are three main benefits to using voice calls for a school notification system:


In times of stress or when important information is conveyed, it can be helpful or comforting to hear such information from a familiar voice of authority. This is much easier to accomplish over a voice call than over text message. Someone already known by all recipients, such as the principal or the head of the PTSA, can share news and set listeners at ease at the same time.


While text messages have a character limit and are ideal for short messages, phone calls only have a time limit. In general, this allows for more information to be shared via voice than via text, though senders must still be selective in what is included. Voice calls allow the sender to share more, but not to share with no end.


Even more people are familiar with the process of answering a phone call than are familiar with texting. It is easy to answer a phone or to listen to your voicemail. When sending voice broadcasts, you likely don’t need to worry about a learning curve or about recipients simply not seeing the message.

Automated Calling System for Schools

A school notification app is also incomplete without a voice broadcasting option.
Automated calling systems for schools allow each recipient to get a message in the form of a phone call. They hear the audio of the message instead of seeing the text like they would from an SMS message.

School Recordings - DialMyCalls

Phone calls can also be paired with text messages to share important information. In this way, whether a recipient remembers auditory or visual information better, they have a good shot of retaining the information in the message. They can listen to a voice of authority, but still forward the text message to a friend.


Sending School SMS and Calls Through Email

Email is also a popular way to communicate for schools.

One benefit of email is that you can send anything sent in a text message or voice call in an email format at the same time. This email can serve as a backup if a phone number isn’t working or cell service is down.

However, there are also benefits to emails as their own communication format. These include:


Emails are the longest form of mass message provided by DialMyCalls. They can include a nearly unlimited amount of text, or a long list of different attachment types. Video, pictures, PDFs, Excel sheets, and links can all be sent via email with relative ease.

Relaxed Timeline

Information sent via email is less likely to be seen immediately. For less vital matters, email can allow the recipient to take their time reading the message when they have a spare, uninterrupted moment.

Unhindered Responses

When you need to collect information in return from your audience, email can also help. While recipients can usually reply to a text message or call a phone number, emails allow for longer form responses. Whether you want feedback on the new athletic fields or to discuss a child’s grades, emails can allow an audience member to express themself completely.

Again, emails can also be sent alongside texts and voice calls simply to engage any audience members who prefer that particular method. SMS messages can also instruct readers to refer to an email for more information, or calls can say to reply to an email with your order or answer.

Regardless of which combination of messages you choose, you can rest assured knowing that your recipients will receive your message in a matter of seconds. You can send text messages, voice calls, or emails from the DialMyCalls school notification app.

How to Choose the Best School Emergency Notification System for Your School?

Identify Specific Needs

Consider the specific requirements of your school. This includes the size of the campus, number of students and staff, and the types of emergencies you need to prepare for (e.g., natural disasters, lockdowns, health emergencies).

Stakeholder Input

Involve various stakeholders in the process, including teachers, administrators, local law enforcement, and parents, to understand their concerns and needs.

Compliance Requirements

Ensure that the system you choose complies with local and national safety regulations and guidelines.


Look for systems that offer multiple channels of communication (e.g., SMS, email, phone calls, mobile app alerts) to ensure messages reach everyone promptly.

User-Friendly Interface

The system should be easy to use, allowing for quick and efficient sending of notifications.

Reliability and Speed

Check the system’s reliability and speed during emergencies. It’s crucial that the system functions under high demand and can deliver messages quickly.

Integration Capabilities

Consider if the system can integrate with existing school systems (like student information systems) and local emergency services for streamlined operations.

Training and Support

Ensure the provider offers comprehensive training for staff and ongoing support for any technical issues.

Finalize and Implement

Choose the system that best meets your school's needs, finalize the contract, and plan for a comprehensive implementation including training for all users.

School Emergency Notification System FAQ

How does DialMyCalls ensure the security and privacy of the data, especially when dealing with sensitive student information?

Our customer’s privacy and data protection is of our utmost importance. We will never sell, release, disclose, or distribute any of the information stored within your DialMyCalls account. DialMyCalls uses military grade 256 Bit SSL encryption as well as routine PCI compliance scans to ensure your information is stored in a secure environment.

Can the DialMyCalls system be integrated with other school management software or platforms?

Our school emergency notification system can be integrated with thousands of apps using Zapier. We also offer our own integrations as well as the ability to integrate our app with your pre-existing software using our robust API.

Are there options to customize the notification templates?

DialMyCalls offers the ability to pre-record your messages for voice broadcasts and then create, save, edit, and delete both text message templates and email templates.

What DialMyCalls Users Have To Say About The Service:

4.72 total rating based on 1200+ reviews across all platforms.
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G2 Logo
Joe Z.

This is an inexpensive and easy service our school uses for things like snow days.

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Brenda C.

Using DialMyCalls has made sending out messages to multiple parents a dream come true. There was no hassle… Everything was very easy to use.

G2 Logo
Jeffrey S G.

I like being able to contact the parents of my students in a few easy steps. In my message, I give the parent the information to call back or email me.

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